Why we are incapable to see beyond three dimensions? & Why we cannot see God!!!! - AVIK DUBEY
Abstract: This is perhaps a philosophical question rather than a mathematical one, I do not expect to give a full answer, even though I hope to clarify some ideas. In addition, I would like to provide a new perspective on the subject. We will find curious analogies with the way we perceive color and make some imaginary experiments showing that, even living imprisoned in three dimensions… it could be different.
Figure 1: We can use
our three dimensional physical intuition to understand the mathematical
sphere’s properties.
These ideas are also somehow connected with a philosophical theory called embodied cognition.
Therefore, our physical sensible intuition must be incomparably stronger than our mathematical intuition in general, this is probably what gives us this sensation of “seeing” a sphere in opposition to comprehend a sphere, when we “see” we are using this strong spacial intuition. This is probably why we feel this powerlessness when moving from three to four dimensions.
This is usually the end of the story, we cannot see an hyper-sphere simply because we live in a three dimensional physical space. We will try to convince you that it could be different.
This is of course a question of mathematical relevance; this limits our daily mathematical activity. So, why not give it a try? At least we hope to clarify some ideas. With this in mind we will try to find out some analogies with the way we perceive color and make some imaginary experiments that we hope, will convince you that, even imprisoned in a three dimensional physical space, we could have been different.
It is proposed that this limitation is simply a characteristic of our species, it is given by our biology, that in turn was shaped in order to succeed in our environment, from an evolutionary point of view. A different sensory system or body characteristics could had equipped us with other perception capabilities of the mathematical geometric objects.
The higher dimensions
We all remember the adventures of the square that inhabited the world of Edwin Abbott Abbott’s novel, Flatland: A Romance of many dimensions [3][4]. This square, confined to its two dimensional world, cannot imagine what the third dimension is, until it establishes some connection with a sphere that showed him the third dimension. This sphere not only offers the square an excursion through the three dimensional space but also calls the attention for some relations between the two and three dimensions, that give us, inhabitants of a three dimensional space, some intuition on the fourth dimension. This leaves us humans, wondering if, like the square, we really live in a subspace of a fourth dimensional world, and how we perceive a fourth dimensional object that crosses our world.
There are of course several tricks to apprehend those higher dimensions. Some advantage can be taken from the temporal dimension, the use of projections can also be helpful, analogies with smaller dimensions, and so on. It is worth to refer the work of Charles Howard Hinton in this direction. However, this does not give a satisfactory solution, we still cannot see the hyper-sphere the same way we see the sphere. Of course that a fairly good comprehension of these higher dimensional objects can be attained, understanding their properties, and manipulating them. But, this does not mean that we have a clear visualization of those structures, similar to visualization we have of the correspondent three dimensional ones: comprehend is different from “seeing” it. Very often we have no much more than intuition based on the lower dimensional version that we can “see.”
All these dimensional questions have become recurrent in several areas apart from mathematics. The fiction industry, cinema, theater, and literature, recurrently cast the issue. Pseudoscience also uses the ideas of hidden dimensions to base a bunch of ideas. On the other hand, the question of the number of dimensions is raised in quantum physics’s last theory to explain the sub-atomic world, and show that after all we live in a ten, or so, dimensional world. However, even if a ten dimensional string theory is very adequate to give a mathematical model to the world we live in, the only things these extra dimensions have in common with the three spacial dimensions we perceive its the name and some mathematical similarities, indeed is like comparing chalk to cheese.
The way we perceive color
When we were kids someone told us that every color could be obtained from the mixing of three colors, the primaries ones. Let’s assume we are dealing with an additive color system, for example beams of light, the primaries commonly used are red, green and blue, all the other ones can be produced as a combination of different intensities of these three colors.
Indeed, experimental evidence shows that, while three colors is enough, no set of two colors can be mixed to produce the complete palette we perceive. Since every color we can distinguish is made of a certain combination of intensities of these three colors, we can expect to arrange the full palette of colors in a three dimensional vector space. The set of primary colors being a basis of this space, multiply by a scalar corresponding to the application of a certain intensity to a certain color and summation of two colors corresponds to the mixture of these colors. As long as we keep ourselves far from extreme values of luminosities, extreme dim or bright lights, it turns out that our perception of color is consistent with this three dimensional vector space model. Actually the positive octant of a three dimensional vector space, since there is no real interpretation for multiplication of a color by a negative number. This is essentially the RGB color model.
Figure 2. Each beam
of light is compounded of a mixture of wavelengths and can be described by a
wavelength density distribution function defined on the visible spectrum.
When a beam of light reaches our retina, it stimulates a certain group of cells, the so- called cone cells. An healthy person has three types of cone cells, each type is more sensitive to certain frequencies. These peaks of sensitivity do not correspond to the frequencies of the primary colors we use, however the fact that we use only three primary colors is a consequence of the existence of only three types of cone cells. Each beam of light stimulates each type to a certain degree, so our eyes eventually retain three values from a real beam of light and it is from those three values that our brain associates an idea of a certain color.
Even though there is some hope, in 2009 a group of scientists succeed in injecting a virus in the eyes of a dichromate monkey and transformed some of those cone cells [2]. Of course this is good enough, however the results overcame the expectations of the group, since the brain of this adult monkey somehow managed to deal with the additional information sent by the modified cone cells, something, they believe, could only be possible in early stages of the development of the brain. This was confirmed since the monkey was trained to identify color spots on a screen, this monkey really started to distinguish colors that he did not differentiate before the operation.
This experience raises an interesting thought: what did this monkey feel when he started to see the new colors? In the Fig. 3., on the right, we see an image the way it is seen by a red-green color blind: the case exhibited by this monkey. On the left, we see the image as seen by a trichromat. Suddenly this monkey started to distinguish colors he did not experience before. It would be impossible to explain to this monkey, before the operation, how the color of the t’shirt was different from the green color of the board. This is probably one of the most similar sensations we can think of when seeing a fourth dimension.
Figure 3. A
simulation of an image seen with normal color vision on the left and red-green
color blindness on the right.
This experiment gives some hope to color blind people, this group of scientists believe that this open new possibilities in the treatment of color blindness in humans. Who knows if the same technology could also be used to create a fourth cone cell in a trichromat.
Perhaps in the future we can ask for an extra sensor with the same easiness we ask to get a tattoo.
A bunch of ideas raised by the color example
The example above is interesting in its own, but it is also useful to clarify the problem we are trying to address. It raises some questions and allows some curious analogies. So, let us try to answer some:
In principle this person can visualize any geometrical object in this space. However, since the chromatic space of a normal person is three dimensional, the same blockade happens in passing from the third to the fourth dimension. But maybe some tetrachromat woman wants to give it a try, or maybe in the future one of us can do the same with artificial extra cone cells.
However, it could be different. Imagine that we were an animal that only moves in a relatively flat surface, say a kind of lizard in the desert, all our life happens in this plane, predators, food, mating, etc. It is not difficult to imagine that maybe in this case our brain cannot find a relation between the two planar coordinates, needed to position ourselves in this plane, and altitude.
Probably the orientation or time could be much more important for us than the altitude, that might not be even recognized (Fig. 6.). In this case, we would have a problem trying to see a sphere, probably this being would not see beyond two dimensions.
Figure 6. However, it could be
In a more extreme situation we can imagine that some brains can only be aware of one spatial dimension. Imagine for example lice, maybe the only important spatial data to take into account is the distance needed to reach the next head, an uni-dimensional quantity. If this brain attains a reasonable understanding of mathematics, then it cannot even “see” the circle.
What about seeing more than three dimensions?
Figure 7. What if we were made of two parts?
The last example showed us that we perceive a three dimensional chromatic space, even if the “real” chromatic space is better described as an infinite dimensional vector space. The first thought that comes to mind is that some similar phenomena could happen with our physical dimensions. Maybe we somehow only perceive three dimensions of a reality that is high dimensional, perhaps even infinite dimensional.
Well, in some sense, we really perceive a three dimensional physical space while there are higher dimensional mathematical models that better describe our reality, this is for example the case of the general theory of relativity. The fact that the “real” set of colors is modeled by an infinite dimensional space is, like the theory of relativity, just an abstract model that goes further in the description of our reality. The chromatic space generated by the three primaries colors or the three physical dimensions we perceive are a first approach based directly on our senses.
However, the higher dimensional mathematical models that describe the reality seem to show different qualitative properties among those dimensions. For example, the quantum theories, involve models with more dimensions, at any rate all this happens in scales where our senses are helpless. It would be difficult to compare the physical dimensions we perceive with the remaining ones. On the other hand, in the infinite dimensional model of color all the dimensions have a similar rule.
The idea of suddenly see a fourth spacial dimension certainly give a great story line for a film or a book, however we do not know how it could make sense.
There is a big question in our mind since our childhood that why we cannot see God. From the very beginning, Atheists gave their reasons that if God exists, then why we cannot see the God. There are numerous incidences of Ghost appearances but cases of God appearance is very few. So, what is the reason a normal human cannot see a God. It is to be understood that we, normal humans live in a 3 dimensional space which varies with time. Time is the fourth dimension we all know.
Hence, Human eye can only see the object, particles etc. which sustain in 3 Dimension only. Our brain can only manipulate the space and time dimensions. As per string theory, there is not a single universe, but there are multiple universes which are moving with different timelines. According to Super-string theory and applications of Riemann's Geometry, Our universe is 11th dimensional.
Concept Of Multiverse :-
These complete multiverse which consists of multiple universes exist within 11th dimension. Mahavishnu exists in this 11th dimension and acting as an observer for all the possible timelines of multiverse.
Due to this Rule God residing in 5th or higher dimension can observe the timeline of 3D space in which we are living but our is in capable to see the parallel timelines of 5th or higher dimension. According to string theory in this universe sting-particle is only 1 dimensional particle which can travels in to higher dimensions. A soul after death can see the parallel timelines of 4D space that how 3D space is changing with time. So there is a similarity between string-particle and Soul.
May be God has played a trick with us.
Finally, it seems that “seeing” up to three dimensions is an evolutionary characteristic like having two ears, one nose, or having three cone cells and hence trichromatic vision. The brain seems to be formatted with a certain view of reality, that could be more or less inevitable due to our physical condition.
[1] Jameson, K. A., Highnote, S.
M., & Wasserman, L. M. (2001) Richer color experience in observers with
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[2] Mancuso et all (2009) Gene
therapy for red–green color blindness in adult primates, Nature 461 (7265):784-787.
[3] Abbott, Edwin A. (1884),
Flatland: A Romance of many dimensions, Dover, New York.
[4] Abbott, Edwin A. (2010), Flatland,
an edition with notes and commentary by W. Lindgren and T. Banchoff, Cambridge
University Press.
[5] Groh, Jennifer M. (2014)
Making space - How the brain knows where things are, Belknap Press.
[6] Damásio, António (2000) The
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[7] L. W. Barsalou, Perceptual
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(40), 16277-16282.
Great thinking
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ReplyDeleteYou are really genius sir 🙏❤️
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ReplyDeleteSera boss... Keep it up
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